CLIMB (Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) (Week 6)

A Support Programme dedicated to helping children cope with a parent’s cancer diagnosis   Who is CLIMB for? Children aged 5-12 years who are experiencing the impact of a parents cancer diagnosis.   What is Involved? The CLIMB Programme is carried out over six sessions by trained healthcare professionals. The programme aims to strengthen children’s […]

Menopause Programme (Week 5)

This six-week programme is designed with care and understanding to support female cancer survivors through their menopause, offering a blend of education, personal coaching, and community connection. Women will learn about how Menopause is impacting their health and non-medical strategies to manage menopause related symptoms. Topic’s Include: How Menopause impacts health. Managing Hot Flushes Sleep […]

Thrive & Survive Programme (Week 5)

Following your Cancer Treatment  This is your time to Thrive    The Hope Centre are holding a six week programme   Please contact reception on 053 9238555 for more information or to participate

Chair Yoga Programme (Week 1)

Our Six-week Chair Yoga Programme Chair yoga is an adapted form of yoga practice that allows you to stay seated while practicing yoga focused poses. It can be practiced by anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of yoga and may (or may not) have mobility limitations. Our gentle yoga classes begin with movements seated […]

Prostate Cancer Psycho Social Education Programme (Week 6)

This 6 week Programme which is accredited by the Irish Cancer Society will provide opportunities for men to increase their understanding of prostate cancer and its consequences, explore their own experiences or concerns with other men and help them to develop coping skills in dealing with Prostate Cancer. Topics up for discussion will include physical, […]

Mindfulness Meditation Programme (Week 4)

This Six-Week Programme aims to help you develop skillful ways of dealing with difficulty and improve your quality of life.   Through mindfulness-based interventions, we explore and learn how:   Mindfulness can support you in becoming more present Develop Kinder and Self-Compassionate ways to meet Challenges Discover a new way of being with reality.   […]
