Orla Breen – 100 Miles in April

Orla Breen will be walking 100 miles in April, the national month of HOPE to raise funds for the Hope Cancer Support Centre.   Please support Orla through her Go Fund Me page at:   https://www.gofundme.com/f/orlas-fundraiser-for-the-hope-centre?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet  

Multiple Myeloma Ireland Podcast ‘Living with Multiple Myeloma’

    Multiple Myeloma Ireland are delighted to announce the launch of their podcast series ‘Living with Multiple Myeloma’ We invite you to join us for the official launch on Saturday 24th April at 12 midday. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tuIPWhoXT0-DaZl--U0f3A    

Fertility and Cancer Treatment Webinar

YouCan Cancer Support Network Ireland  is hosting a webinar this Tuesday 27th April, by Zoom at 7pm on Fertility and Cancer Treatment and there are some places available. The talk will be delivered by Eileen Barrett, Nurse Manager at the Merrion Fertility Clinic. Registration is free, but places are limited. To register: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fertility-and-cancer-treatment-talk-tickets-151674098311

Ovarian cancer treatment: PARP inhibitors and beyond Webinar

A free webinar at 11am on "Ovarian cancer treatment: PARP inhibitors and beyond" hosted by OvaCare and Breakthrough Cancer in Cork . You can register for this event on www.bit.ly/May8Parp   May 8th is a scheduled day for an Ovacare coffee and chat where ovarian cancer patients have an informal virtual chat, this will take […]

Webinar on “Exploring Sexuality and Intimacy after a cancer diagnosis”

We are delighted to let you know Cork ARC Cancer Support House are hosting a ‘Exploring Sexuality and Intimacy after a Cancer Diagnosis’ Webinar that will take place on Wednesday 26th May from 10am-12pm.  Cancer and the treatments used for cancer can impact how a woman feels about her body, her sexuality, her attractiveness and […]
