Over 13,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually. This is twice the number compared to 10 years ago and is projected to more than double again by 2045. Yet most skin cancers could be prevented by protecting skin from the sun and not using sunbeds. The National Skin Cancer Prevention Plan aims to increase awareness of how to enjoy the sun safely, supporting people in simple ways to protect their skin to reduce risk of skin cancer. As part of the SunSmart campaign the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme, in collaboration with Healthy Ireland and cross-sectoral partners are working together to
support people to protect their skin from the sun. To reduce skin cancer risk, it’s important to protect your skin when spending time outside, exercising locally or enjoying a run-around in the park.
The SunSmart campaign aims to support people to be SunSmart by following the 5 S’s.
Be SunSmart:
Follow the SunSmart 5 S’s to protect your skin
Slip on clothing that covers your skin such as long sleeves, collared t-shirts;
Slop on sunscreen on exposed areas, using factor 30+ for adults and 50+ for children;
Slap on a wide-brimmed hat;
Seek shade – especially if outdoors between 11am and 3pm – and always use a
sunshade on a child’s buggy;
Slide on sunglasses to protect your eyes