Who is Hope For?
The Hope Cancer Support Centre supports all who are diagnosed with cancer and those affected by a cancer diagnosis.
Do I need to make an appointment?
It is best to call the centre on 053-9238555 to make an appointment.
What will happen when I arrive?
When you arrive at the Centre for the first time you will be greeted by one of our Client Services Coordinator’s who will guide you on what the Hope Centre has to offer. This is done in a very confidential, informal and relaxed setting.
What model of care is adopted by the Hope Centre?
We are a Client centred service. The Client always leads the way and decides what they want from us. All services offered by Hope are evidence based and employ recognised best practice.
What services are available at the Hope Centre?
We have a variety of services available to all who attend the Hope Centre, including:
- Client Services Coordinator assessment, one to one and phone support
- Counselling
- Reflexology
- Massage
- Prosthesis/Bra Fitting
- Lymphoedema/MLD Treatment
- Children ‘s Support
- Art
- Exercise & Movement
- Support Groups
How much will it Cost?
All services in the Hope are free of charge.